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“We need to look further”- podcast from Build With Care – One Planet network with Teodora Capelle, Brussels Environment
Listen to a podcast about the pilots in BAMB with BAMB partner Teodora Capelle, manager of Pilot Projects in BAMB, Bruss [...]
Towards Green Transformable Buildings – 2nd Reversible Building Design Symposium, 29 October 2018, Heerlen, The Nederlands
This year’s Reversible Building Design Symposium focuses on transition towards circular economy and shaping the roadmap [...]
BAMB in Japan – at “World Circular Economy Forum”, 22-24 October 2018, Yokohama, Japan
BAMB was presented as on of the world’s best circular economy solutions. Imaging what can happen for the planet if you b [...]
Tonight is a special night – European Researchers’ Night, 28 September 2018, Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina
The BAMB pilot Green Design Center (GDC) will be presented during the European Researchers’ Night organized in collabora [...]
Workshop 2.0 – Circular Retrofit Lab: Transformation and reconfiguration of the Circular Retrofit Lab, 17-19 September 2018, Brussels, Belgium
From the 17th until the 19th of September, Anne Paduart and Stijn Brancart of the Circular Retrofit Lab-team organised a [...]
Video live streaming of “Circularity in the Build Environment enabled by digitalization”
Due to the increased interest and limited availability of spaces, we’re happy to announce that we will provide audio and [...]
BAMB part of new informative and educative book “Designing for the Circular Economy “
How can you support change in all aspects to get a new building practice embracing circular and reversible building? How [...]
Circular Retrofit Lab – Brussels’ renovation experiment presented at WASCON 2018, 6-8th June 2018, Tampere, Finland
BAMB took part of WASCON 2018 "No cradle, no grave - Circular economy into practice", the 10th International Conference [...]