A seminar of the VUB Chair in PPP sponsored by Deloitte, Sweco, KBC, Laga and Triodos Bank took place on Thursday 1 December 2016 at 18.00 H at the offices of Triodos Bank, Hoogstraat 139/3 in 1000 Brussels.
Theme of the evening was “Buildings As Material Banks (BAMB): Exploring pathways for circular economies”
Keynote 1 by Anne Paduart (VUB – Transform Team) on “Building as Material Banks”
Keynote 2 by Steven Beckers (The Lateral Thinking Factory) on”Circular economy: a positive impact on the building industry”
There was a panel discussion led by moderator : Elvira Haezendonck (VUB):
Caroline Henrotay (Leefmilieu Brussel – BIM)
Niels De Temmerman (VUB)
Jean-Christophe Vanderhaegen (Confederatie Bouw)
Erik De Bisschop (Desso)
Steven Beckers (The Lateral Thinking Factory)
François Jacquet (Triodos Bank)