BAMB Reversible Design Competition
The winners of the BAMB´s Reversible Design Competition
We are proud to announce the results of the BAMB’s Reversible Design Competition. Eighty four teams from twenty-three countries were engaged in the competition. We received very good proposals and it was extremely difficult to choose the winners. But a competition has no value without a winner, hence the jury of BAMB Reversible Design Competition have decided on the winners as:
1st prize: Team 53 – Joseph Shenton, Khe Lyn and Gabriel Wyderkiewicz / Manchester School of Architecture
2nd prize: Team 54 – Adamos Nicolaou, Georgia Thomas, Thomas Hayden John Wilkinson / Manchester School of Architecture
3rd prize: Team 50 – Kieran Thompson, Andrew Chung, Fraser Streatfield / Manchester School of Architecture
Congratulations to all winners and to all the participants!
We hope that you enjoyed participating as much as we enjoyed conducting the competition. During BAMB´s final event 5-7 February 2019 the contributions from the students was in the exhibition.
Competition Schedule
Competition release and registration starts: 4th July 2018
Registration ends: 03rd December 2018
Material submission deadline: 9th December 2018
Results announcement: 14th January 2019
Prizes and awards
1st prize 1200 euros + certificate
2nd prize 500 euros + certificate
3rd prize 300 euros + certificate
University of Minho on behalf of BAMB’s consortium.
For further information and questions, please contact us at: design.competition@bamb2020.eu
Luis Bragança – Jury chair (UM – University of Minho)
Elma Durmisevic (UTwente – University of Twente)
Teodora Capelle (IBGE – Brussels Environment)
Anne Paduart (VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Lars Luscuere (EPEA – Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency)
The jury decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
The jury reserves the right to award no endowment if it considers that no project has complied with the conditions and requirements of this competition.
Publishing Right
All materials submitted to “BAMB’s reversible design competition” become the property of BAMB project.
BAMB will have the right to consider all submissions, regardless of their winning status, for future publications.