Lars Luscere, EPEA, from the project is presenting for the section Tools and Techniques and Elma Durmesevic, Univrsiteit Twente, from the project is presenting for the section Market Transformation.
Dynamic and Circular Buildings by High Transformation and Reuse Capacity
by E. Durmisevic, University of Twente
Materials Passports
By L. Luscuere, EPEA Netherlands
.@LarsLuscuere: new business models reveal real value of products hidden so far @EPEANederland #SusIn16 #BAMB project
— Arthur ten Wolde (@ArthurtenWolde) November 8, 2016
.@LarsLuscuere @EPEANederland; materals passports need standardisation #SusIn16
— Arthur ten Wolde (@ArthurtenWolde) November 8, 2016