“ADVANCES IN WASTE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY”, 10th International Technical Waste Conference, 21 to 23 November 2017

The International Technical Waste Conference (JTIR) was hold in Porto, from the 21st to the 23rd of November 2017, during a complex and challenging time for the Sector

Today we faced low levels of performance in the Waste Sector, regarding the targets set by the European Union.

This situation opens the opportunity to reflect, discuss and present new ideas and solutions that can contribute to a positive growth, a constructive revision of PERSU 2020 (Portuguese Strategic Plan for Waste), create value, job growth and a better environment in Portugal.

The Circular Economy, its concept and its practice, should also guide us in deep reflection, involving Policy Makers, Specialists, Technicians and Researchers, generating knowledge and producing actions that, well executed, can solve problems and blockages of the Waste Sector (source: http://www.jornadas-residuos2017.apesb.org/en/).

Our partner Luís Bragança, University Minho, presented our Project at the Conference.

10th International Technical Waste Conference
