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“Future Circular Cities – Making it Real”, 24 January 2019, Peterborough, England
BAMB partner Gilli Hobbs spok about BAMB and the BRE experience on “Future Circular Cities – Making it Real” Developing [...]
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Business models
What do you mean with business models? In its essence, a business model is describing the way ‘how we actually make mon [...]
BAMB part of new informative and educative book “Designing for the Circular Economy “
How can you support change in all aspects to get a new building practice embracing circular and reversible building? How [...]
Ecobuild Conference 2018, 6th-8th March 2018, ExCeL, London
Image: The BAMB stand with Reversible Experience Modules (REMs) BAMB had a 100m2 stand dedicated to exhibit the REM’s p [...]
Is there a need for innovative Circular Buildings Business Models?
A business model is describing the way ‘how we actually make money’ by defining the value proposition and build up an un [...]
HISER International Conference – “Advances in Recycling and Management of Construction and Demolition Waste”, 21, 22, & 23 June 2017, Delft, Netherlands
This event was organized in collaboration with the H2020 project BAMB - Building as Material Banks. Currently 4 [...]
Challenges, opportunities and solutions – “Circular economy and reversibility of buildings”, 9th June 2017, Brussels Environment
Photo: The seminar was held at IBGE, Brussels. © Brussels Environment It was an exciting day at IBGE! Sever [...]
Meet us at “Circular economy and reversibility of buildings”, 9th June 2017, Brussels Environment
Come for an exciting day! The BAMB partner Stella Vanassche from VITO will be talking about Circular Business Models: [...]
“Exploring pathways for circular economies” – seminar about BAMB, 1th December 2016, Brusselles
A seminar of the VUB Chair in PPP sponsored by Deloitte, Sweco, KBC, Laga and Triodos Bank took place on Thursday 1 Dece [...]
Workshops for Special Interest Groups, 3th May, 2016 in Brussels
After the BAMB Stakeholder Launch event some BAMB Partners and Members in the BAMB Stakeholder Network met for workshop [...]