Reuse potential
The reuse potential of an assembly is a measure that expresses the likelihood that the parts of that assembly can be disassembled simply, fast and without damage, and thus reused.
Reuse potential can be calculated for a smaller assembly or for a whole building. It relies on aspects such as the compatibility and independence of its parts, and evaluates criteria such as functional and technical autonomy, assembly sequence, connection reversibility and component geometry.
Both reuse potential and transformation capacity are measures of the reversibility of a building. At this moment, the implementation of the concept ‘reuse potential’ is under development. Therefore, the proposed definition will be detailed during the project.
Related terms
The Reuse Potential Tool assesses a component or assembly’s reuse potential. Hence, it supports the design of components and assemblies with a high reuse potential, resulting in an incentive for future reuse.
Durmisevic E. (2006). Transformable building structures: design for disassembly as a way to introduce sustainable engineering to building design and construction (doctoral thesis). Delft: TUDelft