BAMB partner Gilli Hobbs, BRE had a session about !Circular Economy and the Built Environment”.
This session explored the latest developments in the area of circular economy and the built environment. This includes areas such as
material passports, reversible building design, measuring circularity, policy developments and real life pilots that illustrate circular economy
in action in the built environment. The short & informative sessions wasrounded off with an opportunity to ask questions and gain further insight from around Europe. BRE are a key partner in the EU R&D project – Buildings as Material Banks (BAMB) which concludes in early 2019.
A key output from this work is development of a ‘circular building assessment’ methodology and its application, making use of data
extractable from BIM (Building Information Modelling). This builds upon many years work in the field of construction and demolition resource efficiency which is still a priority for improvement and firmly embedded into BRE standards, such as BREEAM, and products, such as Smartsite. The transition from resource efficiency into more disruptive, circular economy, practices will be considered, followed by Q&As.
Read more about Circular Building Assessment