For the first time Building Sustainability 18, the Nordic region’s leading conference on sustainable urban development, arranged a speaking slot competition in the plenary hall for the “public choice”.
Nine finalists were selected and published, then it was up to the conference participants to vote for the one they wanted to see and listen to on the big stage on October 25th.
The voting period was between June and September 2018 and when all the votes were counted – BAMB – Building As Material Banks won. BAMB partner Camilla Sjögren shared the message that buildings should be looked upon as material banks to 500+ people from the entire Scandianavian building sector.
BAMB framröstad som publikens val på Building Sustainability 18! #buildsust18
— #BuildSust18 (@BuildSust2018) 25 oktober 2018
”600miljarder €/ år i förlorade resurser bara i EU. Vi behöver gå från monofunktionella byggnader till cirkulära resursbanker” #buildsust18
— #BuildSust18 (@BuildSust2018) 25 oktober 2018
”Vi måste designa för att kunna demontera! Vi behöver reversibel byggnadsdesign där vi tar hänsyn till plats, sammansättning och material. 75-90% minskat byggavfall i våra pilotprojekt hittills” -Camilla Sjögren, BAMB
— #BuildSust18 (@BuildSust2018) 25 oktober 2018