Conclusions and Outcomes of Pilot Workshop, 20th September, 2016, Brussells

Within the project BAMB, the pilot projects are an important link between all Work Packages (WP). The pilots will test results and give input to the other Work Packages. They are a laboratory and realistic showcase for reversible design, the implementation of Material Passports and circular economy in general.

To make sure all partners know what the pilots are about, a workshop on the pilots was organized September 20th 2016. During the morning session, all pilots were presented and the participants could write down there questions and remarks. In the afternoon, a ‘How can we help you’ discussion was held for each pilot, based on the questions and remarks the participants wrote down earlier.

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Pictures: Pilot Refurbishment Lab


Different ideas, interactions and possible solutions were discussed. Several actions will be taken the following months:

  • A database of all materials used in the pilots, will be developed. This database must be used by all pilots and can be a help to contact possible stakeholders. This can be linked to/based on the construction product and system structure used in other WP.
  • To make sure all pilots can implement and use the reversible design and Material Passports tools, different telco’s and workshops between the pilots and different WP will be organized in the next few months.
  • To facilitate the transition to a circular economy, a business as usual vs a BAMB scenario will be developed for each pilot.
  • This workshop was the start of interactions between the pilot projects and the other Work Packages. These interactions will increase the outcomes of the BAMB project and give a lot of needed in- and output. Above (inter)actions are just the beginning and other will follow during the project.
  • A BIM model will/can be developed for each pilot.
  • Investigation of possibility to introduce an involvement contract for possible stakeholders (large companies can only join if they work together with small companies).
  • A list of ‘Lessons learned’ from one pilot can be transferred to the other pilots.

