BAMB Partner Ronneby Municipality are facilitating a conversation about policies and standards, December 7th at Plattformsdagar 2016 in Malmö, Sweden

BAMB Partner, Ronneby Municipality have been facilitating a conversation about policies and standards for a circular economy in the building sector December 7th at Plattformsdagar 2016 in Malmö, Sweden. The conversation was one of several “knowledge dialogs” on topics concerning sustainable city development in Sweden. The conversation took the BAMB project as its starting point.

Platformsdagarna 2016, is a yearly reoccurring event within the Swedish Platform for Sustainable City Development, hosted and facilitated by five Government branches: the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning , the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the Swedish Transport Administration.

Link is in Swedish.