Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings: What progress has been made?
EXACTLY 1 YEAR AGO we held a kick off symposium on the start of Dr. Durmisevic’ GTB Lab in coproduction with IBA Parkstad, Zuyd Hogeschool and S-Built. Now, a year later, we would like to look back with you to the first results of the start-up phase, international research and the design studios with students from University of Twente, Istanbul Technical University and University of Sarajevo. We will also be looking at future developments of spin off projects and implementation for existing buildings. At the same time we will highlight the first building phase of the GTB Lab at Avantis. All of this takes place within the context of the BAMB project, of which Zuyd Hogeschool, University of Twente and Sarajevo Green Design Foundation are partners. Please, visit
Invitation and Agenda- International Symposium – Reversible Building Design
The event is a co-production of Zuyd Hogeschool, IBA Parkstad and S-Built with GTBLab founder, Dr. Elma Durmisevic International symposium │ Reversible Building Design GTBLab is being developed with support of an EU consortium of 16 partners: Brussels Environment |EPEA Netherlands | VITO | BRE Group Limited | ZUYD Hogeschool | IBM Nederland | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Ronneby Kommun | Sunda Hus I Linkoping AB | Technische Universiteit Munchen | Universiteit Twente | Universiteit Do Minho | Sarajevo Green Design Foundation | Drees Sommer Advanced Building Technologies GMBH | Bam Construct UK | Aurubis Bulgaria.