Event “Circularity in the Built environment enabled by Digitalization”, BAMB and SBC One Planet Network, 20 September 2018, Brussels, Belgium

The EU H2020 project BAMB (Buildings as Material Banks) www.bamb2020.eu and the One Planet Network www.oneplanetnetwork.org invite you to join them to learn from ongoing exemplary initiatives and debate how currently available tools are supporting a systemic shift towards circularity in the built environment through digitalization, assessment and procurement.

This event aims at sharing knowledge and showcasing tools that are already available for circular construction. The objective is to learn from different approaches and build a road towards a circular construction sector that can provide climate positive solutions in a resource positive way. Parallel sessions will explore what still needs to come and how to scale up European results at the global level.

Take a look at the exciting programme and ensure your presence at this game changing event by registering today! Participation is free of charge. Please, note that you should already pre-select your afternoon parallel session. The break out rooms will be organized according to the shown interest and availability of spaces.

Presentations from the day

Movies from the day

During the conference, we want to make sure we address your most burning questions and increase the level of interaction. Therefore, we’ll be using a simple audience interaction platform called Sli.do. Slio.do allows you to submit your questions, and throughout the event, you will also be able to express your opinion by voting in live polls.
It’s really easy to join. You can do that today, or on the day of the conference!
1. Take out your smartphone and connect to the WiFi
2. Open the web browser
3. Go to www.slido.com and enter the event code, which is #BuildingCircular

Due to the increased interest and limited availability of spaces, we’re happy to announce that we will provide audio and video live streaming of “Circularity in the Build Environment enabled by digitalization”  event via BAMB’s Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHslD_th2RM. Keep up and watch live the plenary session, parallel session 2 and the final wrap up discussion!

If you participate by Live Streaming you can also use sli.do!



Date: 20th September 2018
Time: 10:00-16:30 CET

Place: Brussels Environment (IBGE-BIM), Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port 86C/3000, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Participation is free of charge.

Programme “Circularity in the Built environment enabled by Digitalization” (Pdf, 2 MB)

Register at Evenbrite

SBC One Planet Network

Please note that participation is free of charge but registration is necessary in advance. In case of withdrawal, we ask you to cancel no later than 2 working days before the event. Otherwise, we reserve the right to bill you for compensation (up to 50 €).