Brussels Environment (IBGE)


Brussels Environment (IBGE) is the Environment and Energy Agency of the Brussels-Capital Region of Belgium.

It is responsible for studying, surveying and managing the Brussels-Capital Region’s environment and defining strategic management plans for improving its quality. Therefore, Brussels Environment also participates in meetings and negotiations at the national, EU and international levels. Furthermore, Brussels Environment has developed activities in the area of eco-construction and sustainable building, having strong and recognized expertise in sustainable building design and management (Energy and Materials).

In the building and construction industry, huge quantities of materials (concrete, steel, wood, polymers, aluminium, copper etc.) are used in an unsustainable way leading to scarcity of natural resources and large amounts of construction & demolition waste. Developing a circular economy approach in the build environment is essential to reduce the environmental impact of buildings as well as improving the quality of the build environment and supporting local economic developments.

Specific examples of the IBGE’s work relating to the BAMB project include: the launch of a call for tenders to stimulate and promote the construction and renovation of exemplary buildings (BATEX); contributing to the development of a Belgian Frame of Reference for labeling and certifying sustainable buildings; the development of a dedicated database (EFBD) and specific software (PEB) to facilitate construction professionals’ ability to fulfill the minimum requirements of Energy Performance and use approved materials; contributing to the development of a Belgian design and assessment tool defining the environmental impact of materials in constructions (elements); the development of a regional plan for the circular economy; the delivery of targeted trainings in the field of sustainable building; and the development of a practical user-guide guide for sustainable building.

The IBGE team that will actively participate in the BAMB project can be found within the IBGE’s Department responsible for the Technical Stimulation of Sustainable Buildings, which is part of the IBGE’s broader Division for Energy, Air, Climate and Sustainable Buildings.


Caroline Henrotay – Project Manager and Technical Coordinator (

Molly Steinlage – Project Coordinator (

Hannelore Goens – Pilot Projects Manager (


Bruxelles Environnement – Leefmilieu Brussel

Site de Tour & Taxis

Havenlaan 86C/3000

1000 Brussel