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Pilot Project Blog
The Pilot Project Blog on the BAMB website showcases the work that is done within the different pilots in the project an [...]
Workshop 2.0 – Circular Retrofit Lab: Transformation and reconfiguration of the Circular Retrofit Lab, 17-19 September 2018, Brussels, Belgium
From the 17th until the 19th of September, Anne Paduart and Stijn Brancart of the Circular Retrofit Lab-team organised a [...]
Circular Retrofit Lab – Brussels’ renovation experiment presented at WASCON 2018, 6-8th June 2018, Tampere, Finland
BAMB took part of WASCON 2018 "No cradle, no grave - Circular economy into practice", the 10th International Conference [...]
‘Summer School’ at the Circular Retrofit Lab, 4th-6th July, 2017
The theme of the workshop was: "Experience internaly adaptable, demountable and reusable solutions for the Circular Retr [...]
Visit at BAMB pilot“Circular Retrofit Lab” at EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017, 20 June 2017, Brussels
Within the framework of the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017, Brussels Environment organised a visit to two exemplary bu [...]
Visit to the Circular Retrofit Lab – Workshop for Case studies & Pilots Special Interest Group, 24 January, 2017
A Case Studies & Pilots Workshop took place in combination with the Annual Meeting of the BAMB Stakeholder Network. [...]
The Circular Retrofit Lab – a joint development with industry stakeholders, 9th November 2016
The Circular Retrofit Lab- a joint development with industry stakeholders The Circular Retrofit Lab, one of the pilot [...]